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Mihuț Boșcu Kafchin - Collector from Space II (art qualified as blood sugar), 2013 - site-specific installation - mixed-media, drawing, video, video editing George Crangasu

Collector from Space II is a mutant comic strip (as I don’t use written language or any linguistic symbol to deliver indications), meant to be shown as an installation. It is a „slow work”; the public has to read the story directly from the drawing. Using a „quantic” type of representation for the first time, each scene reveals the whole story at once: the past, present, and future are co-existing. The drawing is made on a spaceship-shaped surface of cardboard, silently communicating with the bearded disco ball (in fact, with the storyteller seen as a supreme entity, as a mighty software able to generate multiple realities). This issue of Collector from Space presents an unbalanced situation: the artist produces too much, while the collector’s appetite is growing, especially during art fairs. This abnormal addiction is disturbing the Paradise. The collector is getting fat and develops diabetes.